Westport Sportfishing is a trusted sportfishing charter in Westport, Washington region. We take on several types of trips that’s suitable for all kinds of customers. Be it core fishing, or for the newbies, we have got something for everyone; and that’s the best part of Westport Sportfishing.
We have got a Westport Sportfishing Trip Schedule from which you can explore our Westport Sportfishing Trip Schedule. We are a trusted Sportfishing Charters in Westport and have run countless trips giving our customers a moment of lifetime.
You can also check out our Westport Sportfishing Fishing Report to see the catch trends.
Some of the best tour offerings are
Bottom Fishing – We have got special arrangements for our Bottom fishing trips. There has been a substantial increase in the number of fish catches year or year. On our bottom fishing trips; we target Yellow tail or black rockfish. Once we have got a good number of catches of these types; we go for lingcod using live bait.
Halibut/Lingcod Fishing – That’s one a challenging catch for sure! The season for Halibut comes in May and runs for a good number of days (mostly 7). These are really big fish and are certainly a good catch.
Salmon Fish – Salmon’s are amazing and a challenging catch indeed. These trips are specially customized for specific passengers. We can also target Chinook, Coho or both.
Some of the other most picked trips are Combo of Salmon and Lingcod, and Albacore Tuna -1 day trips.
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